NJStar Japanese WP

word processor software,which is designed for Japanese and English languages


NJStar Japanese WP is an all-in-one toolbox containing a Japanese and English word processor, plus an interactive Japanese-English, English-Japanese dictionary, and a pop up dictionary.

This program can be very useful for those people wanting to learn/teach the Japanese language, and for those who need a word processor that supports simultaneous Japanese and English characters simultaneously. This word processor has all standard features of Windows Office Word. In addition, we can write using any of the four Japanese TrueType fonts available. There are three editions of NJStar Japanese WP (Basic, Pro, and Pro+). The main difference between them is the number of true type fonts. The word processor and dictionary are completely interactive and can work together in both directions. We can type using different methods: English (Ascii), Kanji-Kana, Romaji, Kuten, EUC-JIS code, Bushu, 4Corner, Pinyin, Unicode, Stroke, etc. We are allowed to copy and paste a word from the current page to the dictionary, or type in directly, and search. The results can be added to our Study List, or to the current page, where is possible to edit, save, print, and so on. We can also update EDICT dictionary, and download other dictionarries available such as IT/Computer Terms, Japanese to German, Legal Terms, Biological and Medical Terms, and Japanese Names. The trial version can be evaluated free of charge for one month.


  • Lost of Dictionary available for downloading


  • None at all
This program received 5 awards
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